Emergency Alert & the Emergency Alert System I August 11


A national-wide test of Wireless Emergency Alert & the Emergency Alert System on Wednesday, August 11 at 2:20 PM ET.  The purpose of the test is to ensure that the EAS and WES systems continue to send out a mass communication warning everyone about national emergencies and the readiness of the infrastructure, technology. During the test, any deficiencies are noted, and corrective measures will be implemented.  ⚠️Remember, the message will only be displayed on cell phones if you have opted-in to receive text messages.

To learn more click here.

  1. Check the settings on your mobile device and review your user manual (you may be able to find this online too).
    • Older phones may not be WEA capable, and some cell phone models require you to enable WEAs.
    • Some mobile service providers call these messages “Government Alerts,” or “Emergency Alert Messages.”
  2. Check with your wireless provider to see if they can resolve the issue.

To provide comments or concerns about WEAs sent in your area contact local officials directly.  We used this tutorial to make sure we would receive the alerts.


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